Course curriculum

    1. A Few Words Before You Start

    2. Why The World Needs Localization

    3. Localization Industry Overview

    4. ❓ QUIZ #1: Our Industry

    5. What Is A Project

    6. Project Management Triangle

    7. Your Role As A Project Manager

    8. What Makes A Good Project Manager

    9. Project Manager As Part Of A Team

    10. FAQ: How Does A PM Interact With VM?

    11. ❓ QUIZ #2: Project Management

    1. 👫 Want A Study Buddy?

    2. What Is Source, Target, CAT Tools

    3. What Is A Word Count

    4. How To Get A Quick Word Count

    5. What Is A Translation Memory

    6. What Are TM Matches

    7. 🎈 Get More Value On Our Discord

    8. ⚡️ ASSIGNMENT #1: Create Matching Segments

    9. What Is Analysis

    10. How To Do Analysis In Phrase

    11. Understanding The Phrase Analysis Log

    12. ❓ QUIZ #3: Translation Scope

    13. ⚡️ ASSIGNMENT #2: Analyze Your Own Content

    14. FAQ: Why We Have 100% And Fuzzy Matches Without TM?

    1. What Are Discounts

    2. How To Get Adjusted Word Count Manually

    3. ❓ QUIZ #4: Adjusted Word Count

    4. ⚡️ ASSIGNMENT #3: Calculate Adjusted Word Count Manually

    5. How To Calculate Adjusted Word Count With Formulas

    6. ⚡️ ASSIGNMENT #4: Calculate Adjusted Word Count From Scratch

    1. Get Clear On The Scope

    2. Hourly Estimates

    3. Estimates For PM Work

    4. Scope Contingency

    5. Language Dependent VS Language Independent Tasks

    6. Different Scopes For A Project

    7. Effort VS Duration

    8. ❓ QUIZ #5: Hourly Scope

    9. ⚡️ ASSIGNMENT #5: Calculate Hourly Estimates

    1. Turning Scope Into A Budget

    2. PM Fee

    3. ❓ QUIZ #6: Budget

    4. How To Create A Budget In Spreadsheets

    5. ⚡️ ASSIGNMENT #6: Make A Budget

    1. What Is Profit

    2. What Is Profit Margin

    3. How To Calculate Profit Margin Using Spreadsheets

    4. POs And Invoices

    5. Creating POs And Invoices With Templates

    6. ❓ QUIZ #7: Project Finances

    7. ⚡️ ASSIGNMENT #7: Calculate Internal Cost And Profit Margin

About this course

  • 103 lessons
  • 7 hours of video content

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